Sorry to have missed a few days of blogging that I promised to you all. The last few days have proved to be a little busier and exhausting than usual. I will try to stay back to continue sharing photo's of our summer fun!
So, on with...Summer Is...
The perfect time for a baptism! Especially when the baptism happens in the local pond.
"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (Romans 6:4)
Probably about a year ago now Erik and I started to frequent the Baptist church right in our home town. We had been searching for a church (using the excuse that our children needed some sort of religious education and the community would be nice where we plan to homeschool). Little did I know the change this church would have on our lives!

Erik and I both became involved in the church. Both attending Men's and Ladies bible studies (Erik much more dedicated than I...but I always seem to forget...sorry Brenda...). Erik helping with the building project and I started working on the Crisis Pregnancy Ministry that was just starting in the church.

We became great friends with many of the members. Many of the families homeschool & have little ones the same age as ours.

Both Erik and I had been saved. Erik much quicker than I to come to the realization.

And we decided about a month ago that we would like to be baptized.
“He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters.” (Psalm 18:16)

What a perfect day we had. Beautiful weather, an amazing service given by a friend of the church from Africa (who became Aiden's playmate at the picnic after), many friends and family joined us at the pond for the baptism and a fabulous picnic after the baptism at Bob and Debbie's home. (oh...and Everyone seems to have pictures of me getting dunked but not Erik!)

Bennett wanted to follow Pastor Bob out into the water but decided to wait for us...then cried when Bob picked him up after and he realized he was all wet...wasn't to thrilled with Mama being wet either.

We are very blessed to have found this church family. What a joy it has been getting to know these wonderfully amazing people and have them touch our lives in so many meaningful ways.

And what a joy it is to see our children loving them as much as we do. And to see that love returned!

What an amazing day!
God bless!!
Congrats on the pregnancy and the baptisms! :)
I am so happy for your entire family! Congrats on both the new baby on the way and the baptisms!
What an awesome summer you've had! Congratulations on the new baby - hope all is going well,and congrats on the baptisms. What a great experience for the two of you to go through together.
Hey thanks for visiting my site and entering the giveaway! Good luck!
"Nana's Box"
Please email me! I have a question about your blog! :)
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