For those of you who don't know I am a horsewoman. I have two horses of my own, both Mustangs and I can't imagine life without horses in it.
This video just blew me away. I like to think I have a pretty good relationship with my horses but nothing like this.
Lorenzo : the Flying French Man...
Uploaded by alatebo
And check out this one also.
Pretty cool!
Please let me know what you think!
Friday, June 6, 2008
This is so cool!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
For more wordless Wednesday posts check out
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tackle It Tuesday - Using up all the turkey!
It's been a VERY busy week here. I've got a few other things to share but we will save those for other posts. This week my major tackle was the 26 lb turkey. I mentioned in my Menu Planning Monday post that we cooked one of the last few turkeys that we raised from last year. 26 lbs is a little much for one meal for my little family so I needed to do something with it all. And I also needed to make some stock from the bones. I used the recipe from Nourishing Traditions
Here are the bones and vegi's in the crockpot. I let this cook for about 12 hrs. And got this!
Tackle it Tuesday
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Menu Planning Monday
Last week I promised to take more pictures of what we are eating and guess what...I forgot again. We did make the whole Turkey. It came out beautiful! And I forgot to take a picture of it. Ugh! I will keep trying to remember that. We have TONS of leftovers though. I forgot how big those last two birds were. The one we ended up cooking was 26 lbs!!! Turkey will definitely be on the menu in the coming week.
I did remember to take pictures of a few things for you but I plan to share those in other posts this week so check back in later.
This is a pretty low key week for us but Erik is working nights all week so I am thinking about getting my kids an early snack and trying to have our main meal at around 2-3pm after Erik gets up for the night. We will see.
We are also planning to try this donut recipe (but I think I might try to bake them instead of frying them) and this cookie recipe (I will use all whole grain flour...maybe spelt instead of the white flour). I've been promising to bake cookies with the boys for a while now and it hasn't happened.
On to the menu.
Monday - Fried Rice (with Turkey and vegi's). I love the recipe from Passionate Homemaker.
Tuesday - Asparagus Quiche. I love the crust recipe from Nourishing Traditions so will probably do that again. Lots of vegi's, lots of cheese and maybe some breakfast sausage instead of bacon this time. YUM!
Wednesday - Sloppy Joe's (I will probably double...maybe even triple this batch so I can put some in the freezer). We have homemade buns to eat them on and will have some sort of vegi on the side with it.
Thursday - Breakfast for Dinner
Friday - Pizza on the Grill
Saturday - Rice jumble (promise to take a picture this time!)
Sunday - Goat Roast (trying yet again...I forgot to take it out to defrost yesterday so didn't get to have it today!)
What's on your menu this week? Share with us over at!
Menu Planning Monday
A Nature Walk
We went out for a nature hike the other day, the boys and I. It was so much fun. We didn't go far. Just down around the summer grazing field for the horses. Since the horses haven't been out in it yet Aiden was having fun hiding in the grass.
My Family
Sunday Garden Tour
This is my first time doing the Sunday garden tour. I thought I would start you all off with lots of pictures of what I have going on around our property. Just to give you a brief history we live on about 15 acres in rural Maine and are slowly moving our way into homesteading. Trying to live as sustainably as we can.
This is my oldest...Aiden. Isn't he just the cutest. This is one of the random gardens we have hanging around our property. The people who were here before us planted TONS of perennials so that has helped our gardens. We've put some things in but most if from them.
Sunday Garden Tour