We went out for a nature hike the other day, the boys and I. It was so much fun. We didn't go far. Just down around the summer grazing field for the horses. Since the horses haven't been out in it yet Aiden was having fun hiding in the grass.

And Bennett thought it was fun to find him and bang him on the head.

We stopped and said hello to Babe & Reno. They look so nice & shiny!

Aiden asked to take some pictures. I didn't see these till I pulled everything onto my laptop but they came out quite good! He loves to take pictures. I really need to get him & Bennett their very own digital cameras.

Isn't this one neat. Not sure how he did it but it was just too cool to not share.

And a few of the flowers we saw while on our hike.

Any idea what these might be? I thought they might be a low bush blueberry. This is very close up but the leaves were similar to those of blueberries. We will see I guess.

Aiden helping his "Baby Broder" as he likes to say. Bennett went chasing after him to hold his hand and then Aiden helped him up the small incline from the yard back onto our driveway.

And then they held hands all the way back down to the house. It was just too cute!

What an enjoyable time we had! Hanging out and playing down in the field. Didn't see any wildlife other than tons of Dragonflies! We do love the dragonflies though.
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