Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Healthy Snack Carnival

Stephanie over at Keeper of the Home is hosting a healthy snack carnival. I don't have many healthy snacks that we bake but I can share what we do for snacks. OK...so not a picture of a very healthy snack at right but they were homemade and made with WW flour so a LOT healthier than what you would buy at the store!
So...for snacks we do the following:

Fruit - Huge for us. My boys LOVE apples, bananas, oranges (prefer clementines), kiwi's, grapes (if I can find organic), pineapple, etc. I usually buy at least 4-5 different kinds of fruit every week.

Veggi's - right now just for Bennett. He eats everything! Aiden is a picky almost 4 yr right now.

Cheese - Right now we do mozarella cheese sticks and cubed cheese. I am currently reading Nourishing Traditions and am planning to start trying to buy raw dairy products again so we will probably do sliced raw cheese.

Crackers - we have been buy TLC crackers but I have collected a few recipes that look excellent so I plan to start making our own crackers.

Pretzels - Aiden LOVES to make pretzels.

Toast or Bread & Butter - another favorite. I love the toast fingers Stephanie mentions in her post. I think my kids might like it. Although Aiden is big into having a big piece of toast. He doesn't want us to cut anything anymore.

Raisins - and other dried fruit. Raisins not as much since we saw an article about how raisins and grapes (even just 1-2) can be toxic to dogs and my kids LOVE to feed Abeey.

That is all I can think of for right now.

Make sure to share your healthy snacks over at Keeper of the Home!


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, cheese... we love to just cut a big ol' hunk of cheese. And raw cheese is amazing! We love it!

And hey, there's nothing wrong with a treat every now and then! I will admit to loving a good oatmeal/whole wheat chocolate chip cookie every now and then (yes, even with real sugar!). :)

Thanks for joining in!

Karen said...

THanks for sharing about the carnival! I had to go over and share my family's new treat!