Friday, April 25, 2008


My House

My house is where laughter lives;

where lovers tears have dropped;

where life, in passing by one day,

looked in and smiled and stopped.

--Lanier Ward Pratt

I happened upon the blog Dandelion Dayz during the Bloggy Give a Way carnival and loved this little poem. She asked on her blog what makes you feel at home. So, here are a few things that make me feel at home. Please share your's also!

  • First and Foremost my family!
  • My bed...I LOVE my bed.
  • Snuggling in my bed with my family (whether my hubby, my kids, or everyone all at once).
  • Something yummy cooking in the oven.
  • Cooking in my kitchen.
  • Sitting anywhere in our house or yard reading a book.
  • Just sitting and watching my kids play.
  • A kiss from my hubby.
  • A kiss from my kids.
  • Abbey bouncing up and down in front of the door as we come in.

Those are a few of my things. What are your's???