Summer is...GARDENING!!
We decided this year we were going to put in permanent raised beds. Below is how our garden has come along since the beginning of this season. We started with logs we cut out of our 10 acres of wood lot.

Check out the pole beans behind us. That was less than a month ago.

And we are already planning for next year. We need to add beds for Corn, Potatoes, Garlic & many more tomatoes. We also might try some things like eggplant and turnips and rutabega's. We will see how ambisous we are this fall.
We've also been talking about building a hoop house to overwinter our chickens in going forward. Give them a lot more floor space and it will be warmer for them. Plus they can scratch up the ground and get it ready for spring. As soon as they go out on grass in the spring we can start things like tomatoes, peppers & eggplants in the hoophouse. We will see if that gets done also. So much to do, so little time!
How's your garden been growing this summer?
How's your garden been growing this summer?
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