Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Menu Planning Monday

menu plan monday

Well...I'm late for another Menu Planning Monday over at Org Junkie's blog. So, here is our menu for this week:

Tuesday - Pasta & Sausages

Wednesday - Homemade Pizza

Thursday - Meatloaf, Cauliflower & Mashed Potatoes

Friday - Grilled Flank Steak Sandwiches with Cheese, Onions & Peppers (and maybe some kettle chips on the side)

Saturday - Breakfast for Dinner

Sunday - Leftovers

Monday - Soup (we have a few in the freezer...minestrone, chili & turkey/vegi soup...so we will plan on one of those with some fresh homemade bread I think).

So...there is our week. Breakfast is pretty consistently eggs & toast as we have laying hens. We occassionally throw in Strawberry & Banana smoothies (just frozen strawberries and banana's in the blender...& I just bought a vegetarian protien powder to put in them). I am also planning on making some granola and maybe even granola bars this week.

Lunch is usually what we call a "Plate of stuff." This usually includes just about anything...nitrate free sandwich meats, cheese, kettle chips, pretzels, fruit (apples, kiwi's, grapes, pinapple...whatever we buy that week), raisins, carrot sticks, sun butter, etc. All piled high on a plate for everyone to munch on. This is especially great for warmer weather when the kids want to stay out but are starting to get hungry.

Have a great week everyone!


Rebecca said...

Friday sounds so yummy!!! That's my kind of food! :)


Silverstah said...

"Plate of stuff" is my favorite lunch. :)