Friday, May 2, 2008

30 Days to a New Habit


Toblerone over at Simple Mom has asked us to join her in forming new habits. I just LOVE this idea. She is trying to make it a habit to go to bed earlier. I REALLY like this idea. For a short time at the beginning of the year I had made it a goal to be to bed by 9pm and up by 5am. This helped me to get up before my boys and gave me time to be on my own to center myself. It gave me a ton more patience and understanding with my children. However, life got in the way and that ended a few weeks after I started.

But now that I have some support from a few bloggy friends I am going to get at it again!

New Habit for May: Bed by 9pm and up by 5am.

If you are feeling like you could use some new habits please join in on the challenge! Leave me a comment or head over to Simple Mom to join in on the fun!



Anonymous said...

Hi Heather! Got your comment on my blog... I'd be happy to participate in your table. But I see May 2 as your deadline, which is tomorrow. Does that mean my post has to be up by then? Let me know.